We have been photographing people in love for over 15 years. It started as a way to make money to buy more film to photograph more of our personal adventures. It quickly morphed into a challenge to use an art degree to make wedding photographs unlike all the others out there: more creative & abstract, combining our love of the landscape with weddings for unbelievable portraits.
Pretty early on, something else started to happen. Having the art of it mastered, we began to fall in love with the people, the coming together of family, the long held traditions, the significance... the feelings of a wedding celebration. We began to really notice and be drawn to the quiet moments of reflection, nostalgic glances from a parent across the room, nervous giggles of anticipation, tearful expressions of joy in the audience, celebratory toasts and high fives, embraces that leave an imprint on the skin and the soul, inside jokes among friends, and the unleashing of embarassing dance moves as the night parties on. Quite simply... what we love.
We really listen to our couples and their families so we can give them photographs that are important to them. We allow the wedding day to unfold authentically so our couples and their families can be truly present with each other. The resulting photographs reflect real memories not staged shots. We view the wedding day as a celebration not a photo shoot. We believe the photographs are your photographs not ours. Memories you will want in an heirloom album because we photograph not for your wedding day but for 20 or 30 years from now so your loved ones will have printed memories to last lifetimes.